How we're making a difference in cancer

Together, we’re answering cancer’s most challenging questions.

Cancer is complex—no two cases are alike. That’s why our physician-scientists provide personalized care and targeted treatments so our patients not only survive, but thrive.

And our work doesn't end there:

As a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, the most prestigious recognition possible for a cancer institution, we are also driving field-leading research to tackle cancer from every angle.

Preventing cancer before it starts through screening and genomic testing
Developing new therapies that harness the body’s immune system to fight cancer
Stopping cancer’s deadly spread by uncovering the secrets of metastasis

Helping cancer survivors lead healthy, full lives.

Your support is paving the way

Learn more about our freestanding cancer pavilion opening in 2027 and innovations in cancer prevention and care.

Philanthropy plays an integral role in advancing cancer research and care—from supporting the next generation of researchers to bolstering clinical trials to bringing new drugs to market.
Kunle Odunsi, MD, PhD
Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center

Stories of Impact

Michael Bishop, MD at the game where the White Sox Charities gift was announced, with some of his patients in the background.
Tara and Matt Boland with their family.
LSBCF model

Your investment to support cancer disease research and care is more important than ever

Discover other areas where you can make a difference

Contact our Cancer Research Giving Expert

Stephanie Dahl
Stephanie Dahl
Assistant Vice President, Cancer Development
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