Category: Donor Stories

Arming the brilliant minds in our backyard

When Stephanie Harris’s mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she searched the world for the number one mind specializing in that area. It just so happened that that person was

Improving care for young hearts

Imagine holding your newborn infant and hearing from your pediatrician that your child has a malformation of his or her heart, known as congenital heart disease (CHD). About 40,000 parents

A legacy of transforming care

Since it became formally affiliated with the University of Chicago in 1958, the Chicago Home for Incurables has contributed more than $35 million to support medical research, with an emphasis

Richard Parillo at his home in Chicago

$5 million gift supports cardiology innovation

Richard Parrillo knows the University of Chicago Medicine better than most. He has been seeing his doctor, Mark Siegler, MD, for three decades, has undergone treatment for three types of cancer,

Beverly and Jason Kravitt at the Great Wall of China.

The power of words

In 1982, in a suburban Chicago delivery room, Beverly and Jason Kravitt received devastating news. In rushed, unfeeling words, hospital staff told them that their infant son, Cameron, did not have a heartbeat. After giving birth to her stillborn son, Beverly was only allowed to hold him for a few minutes before he was whisked away.

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